Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Feb 14th

Hesiod "that person who makes you weak in the knees"
Eros/Cupid-Watered down version
Aphrodite-Urania-born from Uranus-Pure spiritual love
-Pandemus-Physical Love
Prostitution as a religious practice, ritual prostitutes
Illiad book 24-most pwerful generational conflict

As far as love is concerned, let me paraphrase the 20th century's most popular writer: Love is the most boring thing to write about. Love is only interesting if you happen to be the one in love. Hearing about how your friend is in love is agonizingly pointless, especially when you've had to hear it all before.
Not a direct quote, but thats the gist of a section of Stephen King's Wizard and glass. He skipped the old story to get to the new story. We can treat the love portion as understood.
Maybe thats the true benifit of mythology, and classical literature. We can treat all these fundemental stories "as read", using them as a foundation so we can more quickly get on to whatever new stories we want to create.

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